Cambridge IFA is a financial services intelligence house that specialises in developing and utilising powerful cutting-edge analytical tools to evaluate business data, assess macroeconomic indicators and understand market trends, leadership positioning and brand development relevant to the development of the financial services industry globally.
The principal activity of Cambridge IFA is developing performance indicators specific to alternative practices of banking and finance. It also aims to provide strategic advice to governments, financial institutions and multilateral organisations in the development of financial markets including alternative banking and finance products, procedures, practices and policies. Through our strong and invaluable relations with policymakers and private sector industries, we have insights into market and business trends as well as policy changes. This allows us to identify and prioritise common issues and provide perspectives and solutions that are practical, focused and effective, which will increase the competitive advantage of our clients.
Our Services

Information Solutions
Offer high-quality information solutions based on unique cutting-edge research methodologies.

Thought Leadership
Provide updates on current and cutting-edge topics impacting the global economy and industries.

Policy & Strategic Services
Provide proprietary market and industry information that aligns strategies with capabilities.

Global Industry Reports
Publish reports that help business leaders prepare for opportunities and the “new normal”.

Growth Partnership
Provide research and analysis in new market opportunities for business and corporate growth.

Pedagogical Learning Tools
Develop real-life based case studies that can be used as an effective pedagogical learning tools.
Our Thinking
Cambridge IFA publishes a number of reports each year focussing on current issues affecting regions and industries. Our reports provide market-based analysis and written by industry experts and leaders. These reports are available in both printed and digital version.
We offer invaluable insights into the real challenges our clients are facing and is updated on a regular basis through our social media updates and blogs. Contents are compiled and written by our analysts and consultants who are market specialists.
We bring fresh, theoretical and practical knowledge to our clients to form unique, real-world insights. Through our extensive global networks, we are able to gather intelligence and synthesise data using proprietary surveys and sophisticated tools and analysis.
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